The automation and visualization of equipment for pasteurisation of milk (JSC Limbazu Piens)

Used controller: based on Basic Tiger (Wilke Technology GmbH).

Used visualization program: based on: Delphi un Crystal Report 7 PRO .

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Automatization of equipment for pasteurisation was produced according to the following formalized scheme of technological process:

The controller of pasteurisation line of milk has the following facilities:

  1. Automatic performance of cycle in separation regime;
  2. Automatic performance of cycle in washing regime;
  3. Automatic control of temperature regime in order of producing product;
  4. Automatic managing in emergency situations;
  5. Control of the process and managing from the operator desk;
  6. Data Exchange with computer that provides visualisation and archiving of the process.


The automatic control of pasteurisation line of milk consists of the following elements:

  1. Separator of milk.
  2. 3 water supply valves for managing the separator. (Y1, Y2, Y3)
  3. Milk pump from intermediate container to plate.
  4. Circulation valve.
  5. Hot water pump for pasteurisation.
  6. Steam valve for pasteurisation.
  7. Hot water pump for cheese milk warming up.
  8. Steam valve for cheese milk warming up.
  9. Level in the intermediate container.
  10. Four temperature sensors.
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Controller is created on a Basic Tiger (Wilke Technology GmbH [3]) processor type base and includes interface desk for connection of technical tools of milk pasteurisation line and operator desk that provides dialogue with operator to control and manage the process. The choice of such processor is connected with the possibility to change the parameters and text of program. Controller provides the communication line with computer. Controller and direction elements are inserted in hermetical power manage cabinet (IP56). The operator desk and control buttons are installed in the front desk of the power manage cabinet.


Controller provides the following separation and washing regime cycle performance:

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It is possible to assign and change time intervals T1, T2, T3, T4 from operator desk.

Accordingly to the chosen product - milk, kefir or cheese milk, controller provides the maintenance of pasteurisation temperature in assigned limits with set precision. During the production of cheese milk controller provides the maintenance of appeasement temperature in assigned limits with set precision.

It is possible to assign and change the controllable temperature from operator desk.

The controller attends the possible emergence situations without any interruptions. In case of emergence situation controller brings out the sound signal and accordant report on the display of operator desk, as well as reacts to such situation according coherent technological task.

Operator desk provides the operator dialogue, enables to manage the process, beginning or stopping different action regimes, assign and change several system parameters. The display of operator desk informs about the process action regimes, system parameters and emergence reports.

Dialogue with operator is created in forms of windows. Operator can choose the necessary window using the control buttons. While locating in the data window he can receive information about the process or work on it (start process, assign the parameters and so on) according to the window reports. The access to the separate windows can be protected with password. The content and functions of windows can be conformed during the technological task development corresponding to customer needs.

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To provide data exchange controller can be connected to computer. Thereby it is possible to create automatization system using a computer as an instrument for process visualization and data archiving.

Data visualization program DATU CENTRS.

The structure of program:



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Process data from the controller through the main road RS485 and RS485-RS232 transformer reach the computer line port. Program "Data collector" provides the data receiving, checking and conservation in database. Program creates two kinds of databases for each process - process register database that accounts all accomplished processes and database of each process that saves data about the process procedure. Database of the process saves all ongoing actions (condition of valves, temperatures etc.). Records in database are encoded, that means that each action has own code. Program "Data centre" decodes these records, analyses them and show out information on the display in the necessary form, for example in graphs, icons or text form. To provide the flexible records is used record creation program "Crystal Reports 7 PRO" that ensures not only reports of high quality that are created according to the principle "WYSIWYG", but also the possibility to change the appearance of reports by the user.

The main program windows (for "table" and "3rd profile and islet") are:

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They interpret the scheme of the process (valves, engines, sensors, pipes etc.). This scheme is "active", that is during the action in case of scheme element position change this recession is visible on the display, for example when the engine switches, the position will also change on the display. In addition to these visualization facilities program analyses the position of valves and engines and according to the rules of the physics marks the motion of fluid in pipes colouring that pipes on which according to the positions of connected valves and engines should flow the fluid thus making the process analyse more demonstrative and modest. The process flow is registered in a special "process tree". Branches of this tree hold information about process steps and emergencies. Peripheral the process emergencies are imagined in list form in emergency window.


The fluctuation of temperature is imagined in mini graph, which develops the last half an hour.


By pressing the button of detailed view appears the graph window

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In this window is possible to see a larger graph that the user is able to measure and expand. In the top part of the window are located:




  • Automatic graph expanding buttons that expands the axis of graph in different regimes, for example in length of the last hour or day etc.
  • Buttons for turning on/off bars of graph.
  • Button for printing the graph.

By locating the mouse pointer on one of the graph points and pressing the left mouse button it is possible to see the time and temperature of the chosen point on the right side of window.


All process data are being saved and can be asked corresponding to the user needs at any time. You can choose the archive in two windows:

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Choosing any day in the left window it is possible to see the happened processes in this day. The searching period and product are entered in the right window. When the necessary process is found it can be opened. Opening it the user see all process including graphs of temperature, process motion and emergencies. In case of need the user can print the necessary reports.

This system is repeated for similar applications.

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